Best Weight Loss Supplements
Here’s a refreshingly healthy way to lose weight and burn extra calories. Burn Mate Iced Tea, best weight loss supplements is a beverage that you and your body will gladly enjoy! Infusion of these ingredients increases metabolism, energy and the feeling of satiety that support weight loss management.
- Helps prevent fats from being absorbed.
- Excess fats will be burned, even while sitting or at work in the office.
- No LBM effects.
- Decreased appetite, feeling full, not bloated.
- You won’t feel weak, even if you only eat a little or even on a diet
- Increases Serotonin hormones (happy mood)
- Increases metabolism
- Speed-up weight loss
- Helps in stimulating smooth digestion
- Lowers risk of cancer
- Enhance cell function
- Helps control blood pressure
- Good remedy for diabetes
- Increase energy
- Fights free radicals and toxins through Cleansing
- Suppresses appetite and reduces cravings
- Efficient way to achieve ideal weight
- Increase Fluid Intake
FDA Registration No: FR-138962
Combined with all of the best ingredients that supports Fat Burning and Weight Loss Management.
Garcinia Cambodia Extract (Hydroxy citric Acid 60%)
The active ingredient in the fruit’s rind, Hydroxy citric Acid (HCA), has boosted fat-burning and cut back appetite. It also raises levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which may make you feel less hungry. Also helps keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check, too.
Green Tea Extract Best Weight Loss Supplements
Green Tea Extract contains both EGCG and caffeine which, in combination, help to boost metabolism, curb appetite and stimulate fat oxidation. It is also a powerful anti-aging antioxidant it proves to fight free radicals and help prevent cell and DNA damage.
L-carnitine has been shown to do everything from enhance exercise performance to bring fat burning to the next level. Known to increases endurance, enhances weight loss, prevents muscle damage, amps up fat burning, boosts brain function and regulate blood sugar.
White Kidney Bean Extract Best Weight Loss Supplements
Promoted for weight loss because they are thought to act as starch blockers? by inhibiting the starch-digesting enzyme amylase which otherwise turns the starch you eat into absorbable sugar.
It interferes with breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates by acting as a starch blocker. It delays digestion and absorption of carbohydrates by blocking an enzyme, alpha amylase, associated with carbohydrate digestion in the intestines.
A special propriety blend manufactured by Weider Global Nutrition and exclusively distributed by AIM GLOBAL.
The combination of these weight loss ingredients plus a daily workout can definitely get you into shape!
It reduces appetite, boosts metabolism, increase energy and stimulates the breakdown of body fats.
Higher % of HCA compared to another brand.
NAFDAC Approved.
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